If you have ever set a canopy on a windy Oklahoma day you will get the importance of building a Market Trailer. The number of canopies we have gone through over the years is ridicules and annoying, not to mention expensive. It made us dream of the se ease of having our own Market Trailer for vending our produce.

Last year we realized that dream. After looking for the perfect trailer and not being really sure what that was we ran across a just posted add on marketplace. Knew when we saw it , that opportunity was at our door. Called and went to get it, cash in hand. While we were hooking it to our truck the guy was answering sold several times on his phone.
It was a nice trailer, but now we needed to make it into the perfect Market Trailer. We painted the fenders to match the rest of the trailer then added shelving to hold the produce where customers on the ground had the perfect view for selection. Built a seat at the front to rest on between customers. It was then off to the first Farmers Market of the new season.

The first market taught us it needed shade for the produce, for us and for the customers. The next step was designing and building sides that could raise out at market then fold back in for travel. It worked perfect, we also added the little flag holders on the back to set out marketing flags for attention.

The trailer was the best investment we made last year, but there is a new market season opening this May. That means of course we had to add an upgrade! Because we sell eggs as well as produce, we wanted a cooler to keep the eggs in at the market. It also needed the advantage of customers not having to ask if you have eggs but see them right there in the cooler where they can reach and get what they want!
Can’t wait for the new 2024 Season!