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Because we grow our own produce we also have a nursery license and grow extra plants and shrubs that we have to sell to the public. We specialize in vegetables that are not the average, everyday seedlings that you can find at local farm stores.

We like the different, the not always easy to find but the taste great and look so nice types. In the spring season we have plants ready for you to put in your own garden.

In fall we sometimes have hanging baskets and specialty items.

Garden Shed

Vegetable Nursery

We also have customers that like the opportunity to grow their own  veggies and flowers but don't always have the garden space. We understand that, and we love to sell our fresh produce but sometimes you just want to grow a little something yourself. We totally appreciate that! 

Plants in Boxes

Potted Plants

We do have a few potted plants available in the spring and fall season that customers can buy and place on their porch or patio.


Indoor Gardening Kits

At various times of the year we offer unique gardening DIY kits that allow anyone to grow their own food or flowers no matter their space. We design and make these items right here at Dark Water Ranch.

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